Bartesaghi-Koc, C., Osmond, P., Peters, A. (2019), Spatio-temporal patterns in green infrastructure as driver of land surface temperature variability: The case of Sydney, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 83,
Bartesaghi-Koc, C., Osmond, P., Peters, A. (2019), Mapping and classifying green infrastructure typologies for climate-related studies based on remote sensing data, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2018.11.008
Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., Peters, A. (2018), Evaluating the cooling effects of green infrastructure: A systematic review of methods, indicators and data sources, Solar Energy, 166, p.486-508, doi:10.1016/j.solener.2018.03.008.
Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., Peters, A. and Irger, M. (2018), Understanding land surface temperature differences of Local Climate Zones based on airborne remote, Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), 10 (11), doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2018.2815004.
Koc, C. B., Osmond, P. and Peters, A. (2017), Towards a comprehensive green infrastructure typology: a systematic review of approaches, methods and typologies, Urban Ecosystems, 20(1), pp. 15-35.
Koc, C. B., Osmond, P., Peters, A. and Irger, M. (2017), A methodological framework to assess the thermal performance of green infrastructure through airborne remote sensing, Procedia Engineering, 180, p. 1306-1315.
Koc, C. B., Osmond, P. and Peters, A. (2016), “A green infrastructure typology matrix to support urban microclimate studies”, Procedia Engineering, 169, pp. 183-190. • Refereed
Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., Peters, A. and Irger, M. (2017), Mapping Local Climate Zones for urban morphology classification based on airborne remote sensing data, Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE) 2017, IEEE, Dubai, UAE.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2014), “Squatter Settlements as social catalysts towards a sustainable urban development: A positive look at the case of Villa El Salvador, Lima-Peru”, proceedings at 11th Symposium of International Urban Planning and Environment Association, 16-19 September 2014; Vol.I, pp 1492 -1500. La Plata - Argentina. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1659.0880.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2005), "Towards a Systemic Urban Planning. Application of New technical Instruments in Traditional Urban Planning. Case of Study: Mollebaya District - Arequipa", proceedings at 1st Urbenviron International Congress on Environmental Planning and Management - Environmental Challenges of Urbanization, Brasilia, 2005.
Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., Peters, A. (2017), ‘Mapping and classifying green infrastructure typologies for climate-related studies based on airborne remote sensing data’, Oral presentation at GreenInUrbs Conference 2017: Nature based solutions for sustainable and resilient cities, 4-7 April 2017, Orvieto – Italy.
Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., Peters, A. and Irger, M. (2016), Application of a green infrastructure typology and airborne remote sensing to classify and map urban vegetation for climate adaptation, Oral presentation and proceedings at the Climate Adaptation Conference 2016, Adelaide, Australia.
Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., Peters, A. and Irger, M. (2016), A methodological framework to assess the thermal performance of green infrastructure through airborne remote sensing, Oral presentation and proceedings at International High- Performance Built Environment Conference – A Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2016 Series (SBE16), iHBE, November 2016, Sydney, Australia.
Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P. and Peters, A. (2016), ‘A green infrastructure typology matrix to support urban microclimate studies’, Oral presentation and proceedings at 4th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island, National University of Singapore, May 2016, Singapore.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2016), “Assessing the thermal performance of green infrastructure on urban microclimate”. Poster presentation at the CRC for Low Carbon Living’s Participants Annual Forum 2016, 16-17 November. Sydney, Australia.
Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P. and Peters, A. (2016), ‘Evaluating the thermal performance of urban green infrastructure at local scale: A methodological framework’. Oral presentation and proceedings at 11th Australian Climate Change Adaptation Research Network for Settlements and Infrastructure (ACCARNSI) ECR Conference, 15-17 February. Canberra, Australia.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2015), “Assessing the thermal performance of green infrastructure on urban microclimate”. Poster presentation at the CRC for Low Carbon Living’s Participants Annual Forum 2015, 25-27 November. Sydney, Australia.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2014), “Sustainable Urban Design”, Oral presentation at Architecture and Sustainability Conference series, 29 October. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin. Arequipa – Perú.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2012), “The Systemic Approach: A design methodology to face world crisis from architecture and urban planning”. Oral presentation at EME3. International Architecture Festival: Bottom-UP. 30 June, Barcelona, Spain.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2012), “Landscape restoration and sustainable design of the future Landfill of Arequipa metropolitan area. Oral presentation at Seminar: System of Parks, Ecological Infrastructure and Natural Areas for Arequipa. 21 August, Peru.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2009), “Systemic Agro-Tourism, Self-sufficient Eco-shelters in urban degraded contexts”. Oral presentation and proceedings at Latin American Architecture Student Summit 2009, Trujillo – Perú.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2007), “A Systemic Urban Planning. New Technical Instruments for the Urban Planning of Mollebaya District”, Oral presentation at 8th National & 1st International Congress of Geography: Geography, Globalization and Sustainable Development. Arequipa – Perú.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2007), “A Systemic Urban Planning. New technical Instruments for a sustainable development”. Oral presentation at Course on technology in environmental education and climatic risks management towards a sustainable development. Ministry of Defence and National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (SENAMHI). Arequipa – Perú.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2005), “Towards a Systemic Urban Planning. Application of New technical Instruments in Traditional Urban Planning. Case Study: Mollebaya District – Arequipa”. Oral presentation at 2 nd Congress of Architects – South Region. 11-13 August. Arequipa – Perú.
Roös, P., Wang, R., Jones, D., Walker, A., Sadick, A.; Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2019), Design for Enhanced Learning in Modular Classrooms through Biophilic Design, Live+Smart Research laboratory, Deakin University.
Ding, L., He B., Craft, W., Petersen, H., Osmond, P., Santamouris, M., Prasad, D., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Derksema, C., Midlam, N. (2019), Cooling Sydney strategy, CRC for Low carbon Living. Online report: Here.
Ding, L., Petersen, H. Bartesaghi Koc, C., Craft, W. Santamouris, M. Osmond, P. (2019), Urban heat Island Mitigation Performance Index, CRC for Low carbon Living. Access to tool online: Here.
Santamouris, M., Haddad, S., Garshasbi, S., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Paolini, R., Kolokotsa, D., Gobakis, K., Lilli, K. (2019), Sydney’s Third City: Strategic planning for advanced climate mitigation and energy consumption, CRC for Low carbon living. Online report: Here.
Santamouris, M., Pignatta, G., Haddad, S., Paolini, R., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Brozzetti, M., Marzban S., Feng, J., Gao, K., Sansone G. (2019), Preliminary design of a Smart Climatic Road in Phillip Street Parramatta, CRC for Low carbon living. Online report: Here.
Bartesaghi Koc, C.; Zanabria, U. and Guillen, D. (2009), "Eco-tourist Housing" (Modulated and Prearranged Chapter) in ‘Self-Fab House’. Cappelli, L., Guallart, V. (eds), pp. 236 - 237; 1st Ed. Actar. ISBN: 978-84-96954-74-8.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2018), ‘Assessing the thermal performance of green infrastructure on urban microclimate’ (PhD thesis). University of New South Wales (UNSW). Online thesis: Here.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2011), ‘Systemic Recycling: Urban Waste Treatment and Final Disposal Facilities for Arequipa Metropolitan Area’. (B.Arch-Honours thesis). Universidad Nacional de San Agustín (UNSA), Arequipa, Peru.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2015), ‘Systemic Recycling: Urban waste treatment and final disposal facilities for Arequipa metropolitan area’, Habitat AQP 1:1, pp. 15-17.
Bartesaghi Koc, C., Kapur, R., Villano, R. (2014), “Connecting Russell”, MUDD 19 Catalogue: City Visions/ Stadtvisionen. Built Environment. University of New South Wales, 2014. pp. 28-34; 142-143.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. ( 2012),"WASTELAND: Self-sufficient waste treatment facilities". EME3. International Architecture Festival Catalogue: Bottom-UP. Barcelona, pp. 90-95.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2011), "Do It Yourself - Towards self-construction in architecture. A presentation of four study cases". (Essay); GRIN Editorial. ISBN: 978-3-640-97834-2.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2011), "Systemic Agro-tourism: Arequipa’s Downtown Masterplan and Self-manufactured Ecoshelters". EME3. International Architecture Festival Catalogue: Work in process: Global Problems, Local Solutions. Barcelona. pp. 42-45.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2011) "Green Architecture". The UNESCO-COURIER. 2011; 64:3 (How Youth drive Change). pp. 48-49. ISSN: 2220-2285
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2010), “Systemic Agro-Tourism”, September 2, 2010 available at:
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2010), "7 Eco-pioneers". TUNZA (United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP) 8:3. pp. 22- 23. ISSN:1727-8902.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2010), “URBANSOS - AECOM Competition Publication”. The Architectural Review. 1:1361. pp. 102-103. ISSN: 0003-861X.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2010), "It's only natural". TUNZA (UNEP). 7:1. pp. 20-21. ISSN: 1727-8902.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2009), "Arquitectura en Potencia". ARKINKA; 13:161 and 162. ISSN: 1815-9273.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. and de Souza e Silva, H. (2009), "Material Friends". TUNZA (UNEP) 6:4. pp. 05. ISSN: 1727- 8902.
Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2009), "Good Ideas against climate change". TUNZA(UNEP) 6:1. pp.10-11. ISSN:1727-8902.
Member – International Association for Urban Climate (IAUC).
Grant reviewer – National Science Centre (NCN), Poland.
Journal reviewer:
- Science of the Total Environment
- Applied Geography
- Energy and Buildings
- Remote Sensing of Environment
- IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Magazine (GRSM)
- Energy and Buildings
- Sustainable Cities and Society
- Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS)
- Urban Climate
- Atmosphere
- Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
- Urban Science Journal
Postgraduate Committee member. International High-Performance Built Environments Conference (iHBE) 2016.